Saturday, September 25, 2010

Abby and Travis

Abby, Nathan's youngest sister is getting married in the fall. We just got the official announcement this last week. The announcement pictures are amazing. This picture wasn't the one on the announcement but I'm posting it anyway. We're so excited for her and Travis. Yes, she always looks beautiful.

These are the wedding colors. ROMANTIC. We are counting down the days.

Trips to the Hospital

Monday, Ben had his tonsils and adenoids removed. We... OK...I had procrastinated having the procedure done. Doesn't every mom worry and seek the confirmation that you are making the best choice? He had a wonderful ENT surgeon and all went well. I didn't take any after pictures because he was so weak and sad. I just wanted to hold him. I'm glad he is feeling better. I was feeling better about things too.... until Eden passed out twice on Thursday afternoon. I was cleaning her infected earing out and she complained of pain and the next thing I know she goes limp. She had fainted. 10 minutes later she faints again, as I' taking the earing out. Of course this happened before I had to go to work. I made Nathan bring her to the hospital and have her looked at by an MD. They found nothing wrong other than a crazy mom who should have let her lay down for at least 30 minutes before attempting to take the earing out. (The ER doctor didn't say that but I can't help but feel awful about the whole situation.) Thank you honey (Nathan) for being such a good husband and dad.

Friday, September 24, 2010

September came and went. October is almost over. Where did my time go? Here are a few pics. The first Pack meeting I had to plan was Brady's Arrow of Light Ceremony. Nathan presented him with his arrow. He did such a great job and we are so proud of Brady. I love how Ben is in the background. My kids make me smile.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Familiar Road

Nathan and I got callings. I was called as the Committee Chair in Cub Scouts. I couldn't be happier. My heart is in scouting. I love my boys and I love how scouting helps them grow. Nathan hasn't been sustained yet so here is our cliffhanger. Ha ha.

Last Sunday, I spoke in sacrament meeting and I really enjoyed studying and preparing for it. The delivery part is kind of a blur. There were a couple of articles that really made an impression on me. One of them was "Do This In Rememberene of Me" by Jeffery R. Holland. The whole article was inspiring. The point that has stuck with me for almost two weeks now and keeps me focussed on the Savior at all times, is that the Savior kept his scars of the crucifiction. The scars on his perfected resurrected body, are a sign of his love. They are "lesions of love, humility, and forgiveness". Those words resound in my heart as I work on being a good mother, wife, nurse, friend, and witness of him. There is so much power in the sacrament even unto forgiveness...

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Happy 11th Birthday Brady

Brady as a Cub Scout.

Brady planned out the day. It started with getting his present first which was a motorized scooter. For lunch we went to Pirate Island Pizza for his favorite pizza, ham and pineapple. Although up here, their pinnaple pizza has parmasean instead on cinnamon :(. Next, was a trip to the Dinosaur mesuem at Thanksgiving Point. The kids lovvvved it. For Dinner everyone made Brady's favorite dinner Pizza and ate dinner backwards. We started off with cake and icecream then ate the main course.

Sunday, September 5, 2010


A quick picture of my cousins that live up here. I wish I would talk less and take more pictures. Especially one with everyone in it.

This Weekend my cousin's baby celebrated their daughter's One-year-old birthday. Dana and her family made a super delicious spread. The chimichangas were my favorite. Her mom game me the recipe and I am so excited to try it. I love being around family.

This is what we do when we are doing nothing.

Most kids have a teddy, or a blanket, or even a pacifier. Tyson has the Wii.