Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Diet Coke

Thank goodness I didn't make quiting Diet Coke a new years resolution. Let me start by saying that Tuesdays are crazy days at our home. Tuesday means cub scouts, 11 year old scouts, dance, once a month pack meeting, and somewhere in there we do homework and eat dinner. Well yesterday was pack meeting and I had lots of errands to run. By the time I got to Sam's club, I was a little more than stressed. I decided to get a Diet Coke on my way out. There I am about to leave while the clerk lady looks over my receipt and Tyson (2yr) is crying over getting a drink from my cup. I don't ever give him Diet coke or coke. I told him "Diet Coke is yucky gross". He stops crying and calmly and clearly blurts out "No its not. Its good". The Sam's club staff had a good laugh. All I could do is laugh because he is right. It is good. Moral of my story "don't lie about Diet Coke".


  1. I didn't know you guys had a blog!! Man, I got a lot of catching up to do on here.
    Love you guys so much, and miss you tons.

  2. Julia loves Diet Coke, too. Not that I ever share it with her--not because I'm that "good", but because I'm that selfish! Just last night the girls were teaching her to say "Diet Coke", which came out "Coke, Coke!"
