Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas Morning

Christmas morning Eden woke the boys up at 4:30 am. The boys "talked" some sense in to her and held off on waking us up closer to 4:45 am. It was definitely early. They kids were so excited and I believe their Christmas wishes came true. Tyson, still doesn't care about opening presents but this year, he played with the actual toy instead of the wrapping. Brady and Ben were just as excited giving presents. It is hard to believe how fast kids grow. Christmas came and went. I spent Christmas day cooking. I made Prime Rib Roast Beef with homemade horse radish sauce, scalloped potatoes, and a nice salad. For dessert I cheated. I bought a Cheese Cake Factory cheese cake and put dark chocolate syrup on it. The meat cooked perfectly with my new meat thermometer. If I could buy all of you one I would, because it is the kind that you leave in the meat while it cooks. We ate and ate.


  1. Sounds like you guys had a wonderful day! That's cute that Eden woke everybody up early. That brings back memories of our childhood; we used to get up before the sun EVERY year. My kids didn't get started this year until about 8:00am.

    Sounds like dinner was a hit. Sounds like you'll be cooking up meat like a pro now!

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!

  2. I'm glad Eden got a doll that has legs. :)

    Looks like you guys had a wonderful Christmas!
